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[ROM][JB][4.2.2] Vanilla RootBox M7 *unofficial* [06.14.13]

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1 resposta a este tópico

#1 babuja


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Mensagem publicada 15 June 2013 - 08:36


  • Vanilla RootBox is built straight from RootBox sources & Google Sources
    and always carries a very light installation with no extra/useless apps.
    This means, you can enjoy a pure Android experience combined with PA/AOKP/CM features and some cherry-picks.
    Keep in mind Jelly Bean is only at the beginning stage of development and there will be minor bugs.
    If you're wondering how this ROM differs from any other AOKP roms out there
    Try it yourself and choose the one that meets your requirements

Recommended Install
  • Wipe Data/Factory Reset (This does not affect your Internal/External storage)
    Wipe Dalvik Cache
    Flash RootBox
    Flash JB GAPPS
    Wipe Dalvik Cache
Originally Posted by Romanbb
All the heavy lifting is done over at - thank those guys,
they are working incredibly hard to bring AOSP to this device. I think the list of developers goes something like this:
h8rift, intervigil, toastcfh, deck, Flinny, Flemmard, Codeworkx, birdman. That means that any bugs that exist in other
AOSP builds will probablacy exist in these builds.
Downloads Gapps
  • | --> Banks Gapps - HERE
    | --> Recommended Gapps are banks minimal or multiDPI - then update whatever necessary on store. thanks

Disclaimer / Warning!: I'm not responsible for any reason should you bork your phone

  • If you want to donate, feel free to do so otherwise don't forget to hit thanks and show your appreciation for all the hard work that goes into this.

RootBox Sources
My Github Sources

FONTE: http://forum.xda-dev...d.php?t=2288736

HTC M8 "reformado" > LG G4 "em bootloop" tirando a câmara uma desilusão > Nexus 6p "a caminho"

#2 jorge teixeira

jorge teixeira

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Mensagem publicada 21 June 2013 - 10:24

Obrigado pela partilha.

Imagem colocada
HTC One Silver / Google Nexus 7 2013