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Heywire: Vários emails de recuperação de password

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#1 Sam


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Mensagem publicada 07 February 2011 - 13:29

Boas pessoal,epa tou aqui com um problema um quanto chato...vamos lá ver se mais alguém está a experienciar o mesmo...Estou constantemente a receber mails do heywire com a minha password a dizer que houve um request de password perdida...isto todos os dias a várias horas.Hoje recebi um mail de um user a dizer que aparece o meu mail quando ele tenta criar uma conta ou tenta recuperar a password dele...aparentemente ele está a usar a cyanogen mod como eu...não sei se tem alguma coisa a haver mas pronto sempre é mais uma hint...já mandei uma pergunta lá para o apoio da heywire ver o que eles dizem...quanto à comunidade gostaria de saber o vosso feedback ;)ty
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SE wt19i: [email protected] - CM9.1 - Supercharged V6

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#2 Sam


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Mensagem publicada 08 February 2011 - 18:19

apesar de não ter tido nenhum feedback da comunidade o motivo é este: a CMod por ser uma ROM costum atribui aos seus utilizadores o mesmo phone ID, ou seja quando um user com o equipamento igual o meu e com a mesma ROM usa o HeyWire e faz request à recebo mail com a minha password...é um pouco estupido mas faz algum sentido aqui fica copia do mail que recebi do suporte do HeyWire

Samuel,There are a few reasons this could occur, but in this case there is only one.Since you are daansbosman are not using carrier-sanctioned Android operating systems we cannot officially support your device. This is because your device may or may not have a unique device ID. Obviously, using the Cyanogen Mod6 does not give you a unique device ID, since daansbosman's device has the same one. This means that HeyWire will not work on your ROM'd phone.If you want to continue to use HeyWire, please use the operating system that your carrier gave you, or has distributed, for your phone. If you have any additional questions or feedback please let me know.Thank you,Kyle Montag

Imagem colocada
SE wt19i: [email protected] - CM9.1 - Supercharged V6

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#3 bellamy


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Mensagem publicada 08 February 2011 - 18:28

Txi,Que cena ;) .::. Furkit APP
Nexus 5 :: HTC One :: Galaxy Tab 10.1v :: HTC Desire :: CloudnetGo Cr9 :: MeLE A1000G Quad

#4 FernandoMiguel


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Mensagem publicada 08 February 2011 - 18:42

isso é treta. mas vou buscar provas do que digo. mais uma cambada de devs idiotas

#5 Sam


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Mensagem publicada 08 February 2011 - 20:37

recebi agora mais um mail dele pk reclamei mais um pouco

Samuel,There isn't much we can do in this situation. Since other users are using the same ROM as you, they are going to have the same device ID as yours. You could set up an email filter so that these emails get sent to your junk mail instead of your inbox.We do have an announcement out about using ROM'd phones, but I will make sure to put out another one, or at least raise the issue to our developers in a more pressing manner. I don't think they feel this issue is as wide spread as it is, since many of the ROM'd users don't let us know they are using ROM'd phones.Thank you for the information about this bug, and I will keep you updated about our ability to fix it or a workaround that we find.Thank you,Kyle Montag

Imagem colocada
SE wt19i: [email protected] - CM9.1 - Supercharged V6

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#6 Sam


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Mensagem publicada 09 February 2011 - 23:17

isto não faz la muito sentido mas aqui vai

Samuel,We do use IMEI to register our devices that are running 2.1, since it doesn't have c2dm. However, with ROM'd phones they tend to stop registering with IMEI or sending the appropriate information. Also, many of the phones that are ROM'd have the ROMs done by the manufacturer, so that they can ensure a unique device ID. This is really what we need, and the third party ROMs usually don't offer this feature.Thank you for the help and advice,Kyle Montag

Imagem colocada
SE wt19i: [email protected] - CM9.1 - Supercharged V6

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