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#1 thugerrcite



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Mensagem publicada 06 May 2011 - 11:29

hey there,... Well my problem is pretty obvious...I was using Rev3b, but after some time the camera suddenly stopped working...Ive been massing with some camera apps like Camera360 etc... but it worked pretty well with all of them but now NONE of them works even after I reflashed the ROM.. Tried also official rom, but with no success... First I thought it could be a hadware problem (Even im pretty carefull with the phone..) but Today I saw this guy on our forum who has the same problem and was using the same rom when it happened... So im asking if any of u had a similiar problem before and if it can be fixed... although Im affraid Ill have to use the guarantee and return the phone to Orange...

#2 _Inf. Phantom_

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Mensagem publicada 06 May 2011 - 12:12

Backup and format your SD card.Install camera ultimate again.Try using with compatibility mode or something.As you can see there are no support for this rom over there.Both devs have been "Blocked", censured. Cannot talk here.If you want to talk in english go to Boston Mania and post at Espe0n post.If you want to talk spanish go to Htc Mania.You will find other post over xda developers, pda4ru, lowyat, droidsans and many others that have a good community that for sure will help you.

#3 FernandoMiguel


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Mensagem publicada 06 May 2011 - 12:30

As you can see there are no support for this rom over there.Both devs have been "Blocked" censured. Cannot talk here.

aqui não é censura. há respeito, q é o q falta a algumas pessoas!