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#1 Zmicer



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Mensagem publicada 30 July 2018 - 12:59

A Ubi é uma assistente financeira e calculadora inteligente e gratuita para as suas necessidades diárias.
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#2 JamesDyday



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  • JamesDyday

Mensagem publicada 05 August 2019 - 20:53 Be agog Studios began the search on the side of a transgender actress who would represent the first transgender hieroglyphic in the recital of the universe. The protagonist in the early casting phase was presupposed the nom de plume “Jessica” and is to crop in the movie to which the works will start in 2020. It seems that Miracle has conclusively begun to fulfill the promises made to the fans to swell the mob of non-heteronormative heroes. The president of the studio, Kavin Faigh, said in June this year: “We are not hiding that this resolution materialize and that numberless more significant heroes and heroes of LGBT command crop in the future.” This time, the search in the interest of a transgender actress began with the untrodden production. The comfort of the statement reads: “A transgender actress aged 20 to 30 with any ethnic unnoticed is sought for the role.” Fans and fans speculate that she could be embodied in the body of Sera – a heroine associated with the exactly of Thor and the most standard ambassador of trans people in the universe.

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